© greg hannan| hannangregory@gmail.com 902 825 3534 | Nova Scotia | Canada
Hannan Greg


The title was the impetus for a very different work, fifteen years earlier. At that time I had a rendezvous one day with a woman who appeared in a canary-yellow jumpsuit. I remarked on the color, and her capacity to wear it, to which she replied: “You know, it’s taken me a long time to get to yellow”. At that time in her life, her statement was about self-esteem. Over the years, I’ve collected tonally similar yellow wood, knowing there would be a reprise of the language in the title. In October 1996 my closest friend’s twenty-four year old daughter died tragically. In what has become one of a number of aphorisms concerning mortality, “time to get to yellow”, is the expression of the possibility of consciousness and the transformation of a mistake.
TIME TO GET TO YELLOW 1997 Found wood, Styrofoam 63” x 82” x 5” Artist collection